Brew #102 – Irish Red for NITech

Brew #102 – Irish Red for NITech

07-21-2018 – Brew day

Mom and pop were here for a visit, but I hadn’t gotten the NITech beer brewed yet, so with only 2.5 weeks to go before the science fair, I had to squeeze a brew in.

Not exact the same Irish red recipe I’ve brewed in the past, due to the homebrew shop being sold and the available recipes changing. I didn’t feel like specifying all the details of the old recipe and the new one seems pretty close.

8 oz – Carafoam Malt
10 lbs – Maris Otter Malt
1 lb – Crystal 120L Malt
1 – 5 HBU Pack (Northern Brewer, 60 min)
1 – Yeast fuel (15 min)
1 – Whirlfloc (15 min)
1 oz – Kent Goldings Hop pellets (5 min)

O.G.: 12.2 degrees Brix

Fermented with Wyeast Irish Ale Yeast (Wyeast 1084) at 68 degrees F

07-30-2018 – Kegged

F.G.: 1.011, 6.4 degrees brix
4.9% ABV

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