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Month: February 2012

Brew #20 – Saaz Pale Ale

Brew #20 – Saaz Pale Ale

02/25/2012 – Brew Day Added 14oz corn sugar for 1% alcohol boost Included 1/4tsb yeast nutrient. Reused Kolsch yeast cake in Texas Blonde fermenter (potential for lemongrass flavor carry-over) Aerated by shaking OG: 1.056, 14.1% Brix Beginning fermentation at 60° F (due to large yeast cake) Kreusen never grew large or anywhere near the blow-off. 3-piece airlock would have been better. Fermentation slowed in 3 days… increased temp to 65F for 19 hrs then to 68F for 4 days 03/04/2012…

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Brew #19 – Lemongrass Blonde (Extract) #2

Brew #19 – Lemongrass Blonde (Extract) #2

02/08/2012 – Brewed OG 1.046, Brix 8.0 (expecting ~4% ABV). Aerated w/ O2 for 40 seconds. Did NOT make starter. Used one tube White Labs WLP029 (German Ale / Kolsch). Added 400g extra sugar for alcohol boost. Added yeast nutrient, ½ tsp, at start of boil. Added Irish Moss, 1tsp, in last 15 minutes. Added lemongrass in last 5 minutes. Cooled to 72 in 8 minutes (cold ground water with 43 degree outside temps). Light golden color. Smells good. Lemony….

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