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Month: September 2011

Brew #10 – Malt Lick Her (Dubel Tripel)

Brew #10 – Malt Lick Her (Dubel Tripel)

9/24/2011 – Brew day 6 lbs – Belgian pils (2-row) 0.5 lbs – Carafoam 5 lbs – Extra light DME 3.5 lbs – Corn sugar 1 oz – Syrian goldings pellet hops (60 min) 0.5 tsb – Yeast nutrient (60 min) 5 oz – Saaz pellet hops (15 min) 3 lbs – Pale LME (15 min) 3 lbs – Honey (10 min) 2 oz – Saaz pellet hops (0 min) Unknown original gravity, started at viscosity of pancake syrup… approximated…

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Brew #9 – Lemongrass Blonde (Extract)

Brew #9 – Lemongrass Blonde (Extract)

9/17/2011 – Brew Day 5 lb – Extra pale extract 1 lb – Brewer’s corn syrup 1 oz – Brewer’s gold hop pellets (60 min) 1 oz – Lemongrass (5 min) OG: 1.042 Fermented with White labs German ale / Kolsch yeast WLP029 10/16/2011 – Bottled 55 bottles Used 4.5oz priming sugar Yellow bottle caps

Brew #8 – Pale Bock

Brew #8 – Pale Bock

Our first lager!  We added a temperature controller to a refrigerator in the garage using a National Instruments CompactRIO. 9/5/2011 – Brew Day 2 oz – Chocolate malt 0.75 lb – Crystal 40L malt 2.5 lb – 2-row malt 5 lb – Extra pale extract 9.3 oz – Corn sugar 1 oz – Willamette hop pellets (60 min) 0.5 oz – Cascade hop pellets (15 min) 0.5 oz – Cascade hop pellets (5 min) Fermented with White labs British ale…

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