Brew #101 – Castle Quad

Brew #101 – Castle Quad

08/20/2017 – Brew Day

NOTE: This was a double batch, so for brew day, we used 2x each ingredient as listed below.

19.5 lbs – Belgian Pale Ale Malt
0.5 lb – Munich Malt
0.25 lb – Chocolate Malt
2 oz – Biscuit Malt
11 oz – Cara Munich malt
1 lb Dark Candi Sugar (add after mash, after wort comes to boil)

Yeast: White Labs Trappist Ale 500

Hops Additions:
60 minutes – bittering hops 3 HBU x 2
5 Minutes – 0.25 oz Styrian Celia (Golding) 6.2% AA, and 0.5 oz Hersbrucker 2% AA

Whirlfloc and Yeast Fuel added at 15 minutes

O.G. – 1.085, 22.2 degrees Brix

09/06/2017 – Racked to secondary

F.G.: 1.010, 10 degrees Brix
9.8% < ABV < 11.1%

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