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Month: May 2013

Brew #44 – NB Irish Red

Brew #44 – NB Irish Red

05/02/2013 – Brew Day 0.5 lbs – Belgian caramel pils 0.25 lbs – Briess special roast 0.125 lbs – Belgian biscuit 0.125 lbs – English chocolate malt 6 lbs – Gold malt syrup 1 oz – Willamette hop pellets (60 min) 1 oz – US Goldings hop pellets (30 min) 1 tsp – Irish moss (15 min) 0.5 tsp – Yeast nutrient (15 min) Shook to aerate O.G.: 1.043, 11.2% Brix Not Strained… all the sludge goes in. Poured dry…

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Charcuterie #4 – Pancetta

Charcuterie #4 – Pancetta

Early May – Stupidly forgot to document the recipe we used. Probably this: 05/12/2013 – Cure complete… Time for the drying. Rinsed the cure spices off of the pork belly and patted dry.  Sprinkled on the black pepper and rolled it up.  Slipped it through a chunk of 3″ PVC into some ham netting.  Far more convenient than using small bits of twine to tie it up. Hung in the fermenter to dry.  Removed the dehumidifier and added a bowl…

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