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Month: May 2015

Brew #80 – Blacklands Mild #2

Brew #80 – Blacklands Mild #2

05/09/2015 – Brew day 5 lbs – Blacklands “brown” malt Strike water: 3 gals water (158 degrees F) Mashed at 152 degrees F for 60 min Sparged with 3 qts 170 F water 0.5 oz – Norther Brewer hop pellets (60 min – 8.6 % alpha) 1 tsp – Irish moss (15 min) 0.5 tsp – Yeast nutrient (15 min) Poured on top of the yeast cake from brew #79 (Safale US-05) Added ~12 oz – Steen’s Pure Cane Syrup Topped up…

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Brew #79 – Columbus Pale Ale

Brew #79 – Columbus Pale Ale

05/2/2015 – Brew day This was a group brew for American Homebrew Association’s National Homebrew Day, May 2, 2015.  There were three recipes: a Columbus Pale Ale, an Old School Barleywine, and one called Killer Kolsch.  All recipes were available in either All Grain or Extract. Columbus Pale Ale – All Grain Columbus Pale Ale – Extract Old School Barleywine – All Grain Old School Barleywine – Extract Killer Kolsch – All Grain Killer Kolsch – Extract We met early on…

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