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Month: November 2011

Brew #14 – Irish Red #2

Brew #14 – Irish Red #2

11/28/2011 – yeast starter 3 oz DME in 1 qt water. On stir plate for 36 hours 11/30/2011 – Brew Day 1.5 lb – 2-row malt 0.5 lb – Cara munich malt 0.5 lb – Crystal 120L malt 1 lb – Munich malt 5 lb – Munich malt 1.5 oz – Hallertau hop pellets (60 min) 0.5 oz – Cascade hop pellets (15 min) 0.5 oz – Cascade hop pellets (5 min) Included 1% alcohol boost in boil Stirred frequently…

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Brew #13 – Piloncillo Porter

Brew #13 – Piloncillo Porter

11/10/2011 – Create yeast starter 1.5 oz light DME 1 pint water Stir plate for 40 hrs 11/12/2011 – Brew Day 0.5 lb – Chocolate malt 2 lb – Pale ale malt 0.25 lb – Black patent malt 0.5 lb – Crystal 60L malt 5 lb – Amber extract 0.5 lb – Piloncillo (panela) aka Mexican brown sugar 1 oz – Palisade hop pellets (60 min) Included 2% alcohol boost Aerated with air stone (water and boiled wort) OG: 1.060,…

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