Brew #32 – Piloncillo Porter #2

Brew #32 – Piloncillo Porter #2

09/15/2012 – Yeast starter

1 liter starter of White Labs WLP011 European Ale yeast

09/16/2012 – Brew day

0.5 lbs – Chocolate malt
2 lbs – Pale ale malt
0.25 lbs – Black patent malt
0.5 lbs – Crystal 60L malt
5 lbs – Amber LME
0.5 lbs – Piloncillo (panela)
1 oz – Palisade hop pellets (60 min)
0.25 tsp – Yeast nutrient (60 min)
1 tsp – Irish moss (15 min)

O.G.: 1.052, 10.5 % Brix

09/23/2012 – Racked to secondary

Smells great!

10/10/2012 – Bottled 12 and kegged the rest

F.G.: 1.009, 6.6% Brix
5.6% ABV

One thought on “Brew #32 – Piloncillo Porter #2

  1. There are a lot of good brews coming out of TwiddleNutz of Austin, but this one, Piloncillo Porter #2, I would call my favorite!
    A very smooth, great tasting, quality dark beer. It was a huge hit at our Thanksgiving celebration- everyone really enjoyed it. (We ran out!! Joe promises to bring more next time : ) We really appreciate the luxury of the home brew. It just keeps getting better… and now, winemaking… using Doug’s homegrown grapes…how cool is that!?!
    Thanks, guys!

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