Brew #34 – Scottish Ale

Brew #34 – Scottish Ale

09/23/2012 – Brew day

0.75 lbs – Crystal 60L malt
2 oz – Victory malt
2 oz – Peated malt
1 oz – Chocolate malt
2 lbs – Pale ale malt
3 lbs – Extra pale LME
1 lb – Extra light DME
0.5 tsp – Yeast nutrient
1 oz – Kent golding hop pellets (60 min)
0.75 oz – Kent golding hop pellets (15 min)
1 tsp –  Irish moss (15 min)

Wyeast 1728 – Scottish Ale yeast smack pack

O.G.: 1.042, 10.8% Brix

09/26/2012 – Racked to secondary

Looks great… still needs time to clear.

10/09/2012 – Bottled 12 and kegged the rest

Very clear.  This should be good.

F.G.: 1.007, 5.2% Brix
4.6% ABV

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