Brew #33 – Belgian Noel

Brew #33 – Belgian Noel

09/19/2012 – Yeast Starter

1.7 L – Water
150 grams – Light DME
1 tube – White Labs Belgian Golden Ale WLP570

09/20/2012 – Brew day

4 oz – Aromatic malt
9 oz – Cara munich malt
4 oz – Golden naked oats
1.75 lbs – Belgian pilsner malt
8 lbs – Extra light DME
2 lbs – Belgian dark candi
0.25 tsp – yeast nutrients
2 oz – Spalt hop pellets (60 min)
1 oz – Kent golding hop pellets (15 min)
1 tsp – Irish moss (15 min)
1 oz – Fuggle hop pellets (5 min)

No straining this time… just the whole pot of wort straight into the fermenter.  The thief even clogged trying to pull a sample for a gravity measurement (shortly before I broke our first hydrometer).

The yeast starter smelled wonderfully fruity (as any good Belgian strain should).

Aerated with pure O2 for 45s through the air stone.

O.G.: 1.097, 23.6% Brix

10/06/2012 – Racked to secondary

Still pretty hazy, but cleared a bunch since the end of primary fermentation.  Looking forward to more clearing.

10/27/2012 – Checked gravity and clarity

F.G.: 1.013, 11.5% Brix
11.0% ABV

Much clearer than when first in secondary, but still seems like it wants to get clearer… giving it a few more weeks.

6/9/2013 – Rack to Keg

Been sitting for a long time.  Extremely clear, now.

F.G. – 1.012, 11.5% Brix 11.14% ABV

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