Wine #2 – Syrah 2012

Wine #2 – Syrah 2012

07/28/2012 – Harvest

07/29/2012 – Pitched yeast

Sugar added to bump up gravity

08/04/2012 – Pressed wine

Debby offered to share a carboy of the Syrah (since I am so fond of the 2011 Syrah and she is very generous).  I’m taking it over from secondary on.

08/20/2012 – Danger… rubber tyre (sulfur ho)

Upon Doug’s suggestion, I sampled the Syrah and certainly detected the a stinky smell.  Let’s hope his magic bullet can salvage the batches.

09/10/2012 – Racked

Added ascorbic acid to improve the effectiveness of the CuSO4

09/15/2012 – Treated with CuSO4

Stirred in 1.4 ppm

09/27/2012 – Treated with CuSO4

Stirred in 0.5 ppm

09/30/2012 – Treated with CuSO4

Stirred in 0.5 ppm CuSO

01/18/2014 – Vacuum Racked through Copper

01/19/2014 – Bottled

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