Brew #36 – Jack O’lantern Porter

Brew #36 – Jack O’lantern Porter

09/28/2012 – Yeast starter

1.5 L – water
150 g – Light DME
1 Smack pack – Wyeast 1028 London Ale Yeast

24 hrs on the stir plate

09/29/2012 – Brew day

1 lb – Victory malt
1.5 lbs – Tipple pale malt
0.25 lbs – Chocolate malt
0.25 lbs – Special B malt
1 lb – Crystal 75L malt
0.5 lbs – Rauch malt
5.5 lbs – Pumpkin (baked)
7 lbs – Extra pale LME
1 lb – Belgian dark candi
1 oz – Progress hop pellets (60 min)
1 oz – Whitbread Golding hop pellets (20 min)
1 tsp – Cinnamon (15 min)
0.375 tsp – Nutmeg (15 min)
0.125 tsp – Mace (15 min)
7 grams – Sweet orange peel (15 min)
0.5 tsp – Yeast nutrient (15 min)
1 tsp – Irish Moss (15 min)

Cut open a 12 lb pumpkin and scraped the insides out (saving the seeds to roast while mashing).  Then cut the pumpkin into small enough pieces to basically lay flat on two foil lined cookie sheets and bake at 325 degrees F got about 2 hrs or until the meat is very tender.  I scooped it into chunks off of the skin into a bowl and then mashed it like you would potatoes.  Microwaved for 5 minutes to bring the temp back up (so as not to throw off the mash temp) and then mixed in with the mini-mash.  The enzymes in the malt should convert the starches in the pumpkin into fermentable sugars.  Mashed at 152 degrees F for 1 hour in the electric smoker.  The rest of the process is standard.

Aerated with pure O2 through an air stone for 45 seconds.  Fermenting at 68 degrees F.

O.G.: 1.072, 17.9% Brix

10/09/2012 – Racked to secondary

05/02/2013 – Kegged

F.G.: 1.013, 9.8% Brix
7.7% ABV

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